Thursday, December 26, 2019

Restoration Comedy - 1489 Words

Restoration Comedy Restoration Comedy refers to English Comedies written during the Restoration period from 1660-1710. The re-opening of the theatres in 1660 after public stage performances had been banned for 18 years by the Puritan regime signalled a renaissance of English drama. Restoration comedy is notorious for its sexual licentiousness, a quality encouraged by Charles II personally and by the rakish aristocratic ethos of his court. English Drama witnessed great changes during Charles II reign. Women were introduced on stage for the first time and they were paid for the same, and theatre as a mode of entertainment and recreation was made fairly accessible to all. As a result of which, the theatre productions received a†¦show more content†¦He refuses to buy into Angelicas self-deception and instead castigates her for the Vanity of that Pride, which taught you how to set such a Price on Sin (II.ii: 12-3). Especially with Angelica, his purpose is to reveal her illusions and hypocrisy. How ever, he doesnt practice deceit to reveal the same. This is probably because his goal is to have sex rather than to cuckold. Thus, the balance between sex and power in Willmores personality leans more towards the enjoyment of sex, and his manipulation extends only to the women in service of this goal. Willmore epitomizes the libertine ideal of sexual freedom. Hellena, the protagonist, exemplifies the independent and witty Restoration comic heroine, a suitable counterpart to her rake-hero Willmore. Independence of spirit is expressed rhetorically by many of the female characters but only Hellena does so through her use of wit. She resourcefully pursues Willmore and wins him. But even Hellena, the most independent and aggressive of Restoration heroines, cannot free herself from the social necessities of female chastity and conventional marriage. Thus, for all Restorartion women characters, increased awareness of and ability to talk about their respective situations does not translate into increased freedom to act. The backdrop to Restoration Comedies explains the recurrent themes running through the play, like those being of love, marriage, prostitution, etc. A good example of the same would be Aphra Behn’sShow MoreRelatedThe Roles Of The Human System Of Emotions1234 Words   |  5 Pageslike John Dryden and William Congreve to produce work for the stage, amongst the new work that was produced was the restoration comedy. The restoration comedy was seen as a particularly vulgar genre of dramatic writing for the stage, due to its characteristic sexual overtones and lack of moral retribution. It was especially troubling to members of the clergy that many restoration comedy narratives seemed to trivialize monogamous marriage through the glamorization of adulterous behavior. 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This is because drama is defined as a representation of life. Four plays which have been selected from Greek, Elizabethan, Restoration and Modern times can be analysed to show and represent the changes of drama. These plays are amp;#8220;Oedipus the King;, amp;#8220;Macbeth;, amp;#8220;The Way of the World; and amp;#8220;A Dollamp;#8217;s House;. The early origins ofRead MoreWilde as Parodist: a Second Look at the Importance of Being Earnest : a Review877 Words   |  4 Pagessocial hypocrisies of the upper-classes of the period (late-Victorian). Wilde was being satirical and paradoxical in his play to show the hypocrisy and entertain the viewers in a play that is still being repeated till today. It is a witty and amusing comedy which conveys real life everyday themes such as real love as opposed to selfish love, religion, marriage, being truthful and country life as opposed to city life. 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